O Portal do docente é uma ferramenta de apoio que permite a cada Professor da FCT NOVA criar autonomamente a sua página pessoal e aí inserir o seu curriculum, divulgar artigos científicos, apresentar as disciplinas leccionadas, partilhar feeds, etc.
Chemistry Department
Prof. Dr.
Assistant Professor
Assistant Professor / Researcher /-/ Materials Science Dept. /-/ Professora Auxiliar / Investigadora /-/ Dept Ciências Materiais /-/ I3N/Cenimat
a4338's web site
Mathematics Department and NOVA Math -- Research Center for Mathematics and Applications (FCT/UNL)
amo's web site
Senior Researcher in Structural Biology @UCIBIO-i4HB/FCT-NOVA
Oliveira's website
Professor @ Materials Science Department
LAQV-REQUIMTE - Molecular Synthesis - Coordination and Organometallic Chemistry Group
Department of Civil Engineering, NOVA School of Science and Technology
jf-martins's web site
Assistant Professor, Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department
Mathematics Department and Centre for Mathematics and Applications (CMA) - Faculty of Sciences and Technology of NOVA University of Lisbon (FCT NOVA)
Assistant Professor